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Download Statusbar
0.9.5 →

Version - August 13, 2007

Added filename to the "Confirm delete" dialog
Added better theme integration:
- Tooltips are always legible now with black text. (bug 17288, 17351)
- Tooltips have consistent background (colors and opacity) across themes (More tooltip customization options may be possible in the future)
- Buttons blend in with the theme statusbar background
- Changing the statusbar background color in the options will change the background of the buttons too
- Changing the text color in the options will also change the text color of the buttons

Fixed bug 17384 - back button doesn't work on webpages that were opened from external applications (Problem affected Linux and Mac only)
Fixed bug 17281 - the width of a download item continuously expands while at 99%
Fixed bug 17334 - progress updates in tooltips are updated with data from two different downloads, causing it to "blink"

Added new translations: Arabic (ar), Portuguese-Brazilian (pt-BR), Ukrainian (uk-UA)
Updated translations: Finnish (fi-FI), Czech (cs-CZ)